Nova Serrana soma 3.133 casos de Covid-19. São 26 casos a mais do que quarta-feira (28), quando eram 3.107. Do total de infectados: nove estão internados (três de outros municípios); 179 em tratamento domiciliar; 2.841 curados; e 107 pacientes morreram. Ainda há quatro mortes sendo investigadas pela Secretaria de Estado de Saúde (SES-MG). Os dados são do boletim epidemiológico de ontem (29).

O boletim aponta também que das 2.499 pessoas com suspeita da doença, 18 estão internadas (sete pacientes transferidos de outras cidades).

Outras 3.810 pessoas testaram negativo e 8.682 receberam alta após o período de monitoramento dos sintomas (mas não realizaram os exames).

A taxa de ocupação de leitos do Hospital São José continua preocupante. De acordo com o balanço, 15 dos 17 leitos do CTI estão ocupados (82%). Já na enfermaria, sete dos 24 leitos são utilizados (29%). Dois moradores de Nova Serrana estão internados fora do município.

– Vacinação

Nova Serrana vacinou, até o momento, 6.098 pessoas contra o coronavírus. Destas, 1.302 receberam as duas doses.

Ao todo, dos 1.109 profissionais de saúde imunizados, 596 receberam a 2ª aplicação. Todos os 19 idosos residentes do Lar Vicentino receberam a segunda dose. Em relação aos idosos acima de 64 anos, receberam a 1ª dose: 3.604 e 686 a 2ª. Uma pessoa com deficiência em residência inclusiva também recebeu as duas doses.



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  2. A firearm is any type of gun designed to be readily carried and used by an individual.[1][2][3] The term is legally defined further in different countries (see Legal definitions).The first firearms originated in 10th-century China, when bamboo tubes containing gunpowder and pellet projectiles were mounted on spears to make the portable fire lance,[4] operable by a single person, which was later used effectively as a shock weapon in the siege of De’an in 1132. In the 13th century, fire lance barrels were replaced with metal tubes and transformed into the metal-barreled hand cannon.[5] The technology gradually spread throughout Eurasia during the 14th century. Older firearms typically used black powder as a propellant, but modern firearms use smokeless powder or other propellants. Most modern firearms (with the notable exception of smoothbore shotguns) have rifled barrels to impart spin to the projectile for improved flight stability.desert eagle for saledesert eagle 50 ae for salemagnum research desert eagledesert eagle gun for salegold desert eagle for salemuha meds wholesalemuha mini batterymuha saucedbuy muha cartmuha meds 510 batterymojilato strainjeeter juice horchatajeeter juice cartsbergara gun salebuy christensen armscounterfeit currency salesbuy fn gunsmarlin arm saleremington guns saleremington arms storesig sauer gunsbarrett firearms shopfn america gunsmarlin firearmscz firarms storetikka usa gunssako guns storemossberg gunsmagnum research gunsbuy adderall medicine chiappa arm salesbenelli arms storebenelli firearmssig sauer firearmswinchester gunsbuy fn americalwrc arms for saledutch hill apotekhk gunsbest health apotekbergara gunsweatherbykimber gunsbarrett gunshenry gunsbuy colt gunsbuy iget vapehenry gunsbuy colt gunsbuy iget vapebuy raw garden cartsbuy nembutal onlinebuy alien lab cartsbuy oxynorm in finlandbuy nova cartbuy boring cartsbuy fryd cartsColt 1911M 45 ACPfn 15 srp tacticalfn 15 military collector m4fn 15 mdfn 15 pistolfn scarbuy fn gunskimber 22kimber micro 380kimber pistolskimber firearmskimber gunschristensen arms actionchristensen arms for salechristensen armsbergara b14 ridge 270bergara bmp for salebergara bmp b14bergara 6.5 creedmoorchiappa firearms for salechiappa for sale1861 springfield for salebenelli armsbenelli shotgunbenelli gunbenelli gunsbuy iget vape onlineiget legend 4000iget goatiget 4000 puffs   buy swft vapes   buy elf bar vapes   flum float vapes   buy cart online   hyde vape  denmark apotek dmt cart online buy runtz weed buy runtz cartbuy mauser guns guns buy ozempic weight loss buy saxenda weightbuy staccato gunspharmacie rxpkanha gummiesslovenka lekarnaKONA BIKE
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     A firearm is a barreled ranged that inflicts damage on targets by launching one or more projectiles driven by rapidly expanding high-pressure gas produced by exothermic combustion (deflagration) of a chemical propellant,   historically black powder, now smokeless powder.[  


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